Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Chosen


this the sign that is given before the rapture will occur. if he is wandering into the garden surely God will ask for me to relieve in a place of angels, and God took the man into hidden realm called purgatory for the young man to remain in spirit unto God’s glory that fills the body of His servant with Christ and has rested Him unto the rebirth of flesh and spirit. for one is the vessel of the Spirit that opens the gates and frees the Morrow Christian. are you the sacred glory? are you the asking yourself who Am I? God has brought you unto the wind that carries the breath and life of knowledge given in you to speak and be heard from the beginning of time until the end.

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during the great tribulation of God’s right of hand, judging the good from the bad, which is taken to rapture and Priests of God’s will to be given the witnessing of this event. even before the the rapture occurred. God had given both my hands and feet stigmata that showed the wounds of Jesus crucified and my being reborn as the vessel of God’s Spirit who is Jesus Christ. many signs are given during this union to know that God has prepared the right of passage into Heaven and rebirth.

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