Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Lost Shepherd

God is given to the Heavenly return and a False Prophet will be within the seeds of Heaven to be saved as Christian and that's already gifted in the Spirit of Chance that is to be seen without his father in man. and this will be the Father on Earth and in Heaven as a demon seed unto night and day into the Word of God that is seeded deeply into the earth and the dust that dwelled from a time perished that's given a time sown to the Fathers of Heaven that find every lost shepherd hidden.

Son’s of God

always be true in Spirit. so that flesh will be returned unto the Spirit with knowledge that harvests together unto a nation that speaks the same tongue of God. that will bring New Heavens with a whisper. and everything made effortless in the Spirit of God who seeds a demon unto a soft spoken voice that's lifted up from the ground of dust that whence we came that shall return unto the same.

Demon: Seed of Heaven

when i branched seven heavens into one tree God saw the Heaven return. i am branched under the creation of God that seeded Me to grant understanding in the Spirit as tomorrow is given to the future and a chasing of the wind to seed the Father and Son unto the olive tree and branch that become grafted for a time that gathers fruit unto all nations and all the works of God created.

King Kushoeba

one night i saw distant lights above that looked like a white dragon flying in circles. platinum dragon flying circles. the young King Kushoeba came in Spirit to my front door. i felt uneasy so i told him to go around to the backyard, but he was quite persistent about coming thru the front and as we start to pass my son Ronin’s room he appears and announces: “there’s the king” as he points to my son after that we preceded towards the backyard and as we get to my room where the back door is my son enters which surprised me because he was just in his room. the young King who was from Africa but now falls from Heaven on Earth from another planet and He enters with a friend: King Chris from the same upper chamber filled unto that lord that has also was prepared for a Godly chamber for Him on this day of return with His child born of the light and Immaculate Conception.

A Third Wheel

and from Aquarius. to its content:  one twin in balance to waters that are level and given to be lowered but the Lord took the root of Heaven within the waters that grouped three wheels that cycled life in and out our galaxy and around a Great Mountain to be 3-6 rotations per segment the pinwheel rotated .5 the times of mid-rotation returning .5 the times taken to 24 rps. and the large wheel moved with God speed that made the wheel look like it was going backwards.

Three Twins

when the gate of Sampson reunites the sisters of Heaven under a ceremony in God, as to one that eats thereof inside the belly of Zeus giving light to the house of wife and garden in Heaven shared together by the hand of God’s heart that follows the third of Heaven under the waters that become life and trust coming out of the cave, and into the gardens that now seeds the three twins together underneath The Fallen Tree that moves south, and north unto the Mississippi that hurls the garden of man into deep waters as to reach the mound of God’s swell within our reach within Heaven, that’s passing to the other’s hand trust and follow that unites two from one stone hurled across the Heavens unto a third of creation swelled under the vine that reaches and sets  two gardeners under one sun transparent to the bundle that’s passed from the womb of God’s heart now sowed.