Friday, September 22, 2017

Tribulation and Rapture

and the world was caught up unto the man-child that was born during the rapture and the world gave unto Her the male child who enters into the wilderness 3.5 and years and exits 3.5 years to be a total of 7 years stretched to be given Priesthood and Prophecy 23 years ago who was incarnated with the Spirit Christ Jesus before taken to purgatory and He came out from the wilderness as to it’s hour at hand and He who was and will be is redeemed from the first Heaven and becomes Jesus Christ in body and the son of Mary Magdalen in the spirit of tribulation that shakes the world and sets above all its creation to He who set the sun and moon to its wise and turned the light of day to its darkness that overshadows us that hear, and see Angels that come as clouds to revelation and  gathers every water and tongue in Spirit to be raptured as to the other within a third that brings life to and fro the Last Heaven that is seeded from a year after it’s given.

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